The easiest way to change a VS Code setting is to open up the settings user interface. That means I need to go into VS Code settings and turn that setting on if it’s not already enabled. The vscode-R extension instructions also said I needed to “enable config r.bracketedPaste”. If you don’t, both jsonlite and rlang can be installed from CRAN with install.packages(). I already have those on my system, but you’ll want to make sure you do, too. The vscode-R extension’s wiki also recommends installing two other R packages, by the way: jsonlite and rlang. To install vscode-r-lsp, I can either go back to my Visual Studio Code window and install it from the VS Code extensions marketplace or I can click the install button on the vscode-r-lsp web page. Languageserver is a regular R package, so I can go back to RStudio or an R terminal and install it the usual way, with install.packages("languageserver"). (Update: vscode-r-lsp capabilities have now been integrated into the vscode-R extension, so you no longer need to install it separately.) There are a couple of other recommended installations for the vscode-R extension: languageserver and vscode-r-lsp.